Tuesday, February 19

Pictures of Ashton


Unknown said...

So glad you posted pics!
He is so cute- really an adorable baby.

Lindsay said...

So cute! Even cuter in person if anyone can believe that is possible! Cant wait to see you in a week from Thursday.

Anonymous said...

He's the cutest thing! Thanks for sharing pictures!

Lynn Leaming said...

So glad to hear that Ashton has arrived. Is he not a beautiful boy?
I love the picture with the boots. Too cute! Can't wait to see him in person.

Caroline Kaufman said...

christina... he is just the most beautiful baby ever! I am so excited for you motherhood is the most challenging, difficult, amazingly wonderful thing in the whole world and I know you will be a wonderful mother and dustin will be a wonderful father. Congratulations

Stephanie said...

What great and cute pictures! I also love the picture with the boots! He is precious!

Lena said...

Sigh! I'm so proud of you mommy! He's beautiful!