Tuesday, February 5

Patience is a Virtue...That I Haven't Quite Mastered!

We are trying to be patient for Ashton to get here (due tomorrow!), but it's so hard! I'm a little bored, but am enjoying sleeping in late and not having to work at the moment. I just want to be able to spend as much time in the 12 weeks I'm off work with Ashton, because I'm sure it will fly by.

Being able to hang out with my college roommates this past week was nice, and today I'll be eating lunch sometime with my sister - one on one before "Mommyhood" hits.

We've been getting lots of calls from excited family members, but I'm sure I sound very unenthusiastic when I tell them that there are "no new developments."

Hopefully we'll have some exciting news to post this week we PRAY! hahaha


Lynn Leaming said...

Hope Ashton arrives soon and that you have a very healthy delivery. Can't wait to meet her.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you were still pregnant! Although, I was hoping we would have heard if Ashton was already here so I figured you were! Hang in there - it can't be very long now!

Stephanie said...

Happy due date day! I've been thinking about you today! Enjoy this time before Ashton comes! I am excited for you guys!

Lena said...

I had fun too...