Wednesday, January 27

Melissa & Doug

I really like the wooden Melissa & Doug line of toys. Ashton enjoys every one of the ones that he has currently, which include:
  1. Barnyard Animals Jumbo Knob Puzzle

    This puzzle was one of his favorite toys as an infant. He learned each animal sound from this puzzle as well for the Sheep, Cow and "Horsie."

  2. Shape Sorting Cube

    This was also another favorite since infancy. He started learning his colors with this one oddly enough, rather than the shapes. He was so frustrated though when the blocks wouldn't fit in the way he thought they should :).

  3. Stacking Train

    This was a Christmas gift from Papa Bob and Granny Bling Bling and it's fun to try and put this together. I hardly remember how it goes sometimes, but for now it's our challenge.

  4. Beginner Pattern Blocks & Puzzles

    This was also a Christmas present from Aunt Jenny. Ashton loves the squares, rectangles, circles and ovals, but has a hard time with the triangles. He's anti-triangle right now.

  5. Magnetic Chalkboard/Dry-Erase Board

    This was a Christmas present from Mommy & Daddy. Right now we have only used it for the magnetic letters & numbers. He likes to bring them to us and tell us what color they are. He's got the colors down pat. Now we need to learn the letters and numbers part.

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