Sunday, October 7

Start of a New Week

Well - I'm sitting here thinking of ways to pass the time here at the house. The house is clean, I'm not hungry and Dustin is gone on business, hmmm... Then I think, I could've gone to LIFE Group - and SHOULD have because I miss it, but just couldn't muster up the motivation to drive myself over all alone. My parents have been in all weekend and left this afternoon on their vacation to Galveston and now Dustin's gone until Friday to boot. I have to get used to this being alone thing.

I think I will catch up with my recorded Heroes shows that I've missed and get to bed early. I really need to stop this not going to church thing - it throws off my week!

On a more positive note - one of the ladies I've been filling in for the past three months at work is coming back from maternity leave tomorrow, weeee! I'm so pumped! More time for breathing, yay!


Caroline Kaufman said...

girl I am HUGE supporter of REST NOW or forver be sleepy...meaning once sweet baby bundle of joy comes...there will never be another lazy day... not even if you try... so treasue your restful afternoons, sleepy sunday mornings and a quiet house... because they will be gone all to soon...

Anonymous said...

hey! I'm glad to see you on here! I'll keep checking back to see what you've got to say!

Amberly said...

Hey Christina!! I know what you mean about the not going to church business. I'm in the same boat. We visited a few churches here in the Philippines, but just haven't made it a priority to go to one consistently. We have gotten out of the routine & it is hard to motivate ourselves to get back into it. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone!

And, congratulations!! I meant to email you a LONG time ago when I first heard you were pregnant. I am thrilled for you & Dustin!

Lena said...

What the heck?!? How did I not know you had a blog???